Problems running kinit on HP-UX 11.00, 11i

Ken Raeburn raeburn at MIT.EDU
Thu May 12 18:51:52 EDT 2005

But we're attempting to find out *if* we're linked with the pthread 
library, not require it, when that's possible.  For simple applications 
it wouldn't matter much, but we eventually want our library to be 
dynamically loadable from both threaded and non-threaded applications, 
and forcing the pthread library to be loaded into a non-threaded 
application would do bad things.

When a system has weak symbols, this may be possible.  But we need to 
know what symbol to test for, and that seems to vary across systems.  
It needs to be something that exists in the pthread library but not in 
the main C library.  On some systems pthread_once has worked; on 
others, apparently it does not.

Does HP-UX 11 have stubs for pthread_create? pthread_join?

(Other means for figuring out if the thread library is loaded would be 
useful, but I don't think the pthread interface gives us much besides, 
for example, invoking pthread_create and seeing that it fails.  Or 
perhaps, in fact, I should consider setting up a test that invokes 
pthread_once, and notes that it returns no error and fails to invoke 
the specified function....)


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