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Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Tue Mar 29 14:56:45 EST 2005

>>>>> "Mike" == Mike Friedman <mikef at> writes:

    Mike> But this brings me to a very specific question, that even
    Mike> the source code is not answering for me (I'm probably
    Mike> overlooking something obvious):

    Mike> I'd like to use krb5_mk_req_extended, instead of
    Mike> krb5_mk_req, to get service credentials as the second part
    Mike> of a proxy authentication. With krb5_mk_req, I can supply
    Mike> the service and host names as arguments.  But
    Mike> krb5_mk_req_extended doesn't seem to have a 'host' or
    Mike> 'service' argument.  So, how do I specify the service
    Mike> principal for which I want to issue a TGS request?

You have to get the credentials before calling mk_req_extended.  Here's how mk_req works:

    /* obtain ticket & session key */
        memset((char *)&creds, 0, sizeof(creds));
            if ((retval = krb5_copy_principal(context, server, &creds.server)))
                    goto cleanup_princ;

                        if ((retval = krb5_cc_get_principal(context, ccache, &creds.client)))
                                goto cleanup_creds;

                                    if ((retval = krb5_get_credentials(context, 0,
                                                                           ccache, &creds, &credsp)))
                                                                                   goto cleanup_creds;

                                                                                       retval = krb5_mk_req_extended(context, auth_context, ap_req_options,
                                                                                                                         in_data, credsp, outbuf);

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