Kerberos single sign on

Rachel Elizabeth Dillon red at MIT.EDU
Wed Mar 9 16:12:12 EST 2005

That depends greatly on what services you want your users to be 
able to authenticate on to using their Kerberos credentials. If you 
want to work with a variety of applications on both the Linux and 
Windows side, you will need to either make sure that those applications
support krb5 or do some development to integrate with krb5. 

Your question is sufficiently vague that it is difficult to answer
usefully, and my guess is that it is wide enough in scope that you 
will need more resources than this mailing list to solve your 
problem. If you send more details, though, I and others will try
to help point you in the rihgt direction.

Essentially, "What are you really trying to do?" A better 
specification of your problem will help us help you (and may help
you understand your position even without outside suggestions).

Best of luck,


On Wed, Mar 09, 2005 at 02:41:57AM -0800, jzz wrote:
> I want to implement a single sign on mechanism to a red hat fedora
> server and a win 2k server. This Single sign on should be based on
> kerberos 5 should i go about it. 
> bye 
> jzz
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