KFW with NT4 domain

Franco Milicchio milicchio at wisc.edu
Fri Mar 4 10:02:51 EST 2005

Jeffrey Altman wrote:
> Leash has the ability to extract the Kerberos 5 tickets obtained by 
> Windows during the login process when the Windows domain controller is
> Active Directory.  When the domain controller is NT4, there is no 
> Kerberos 5 support available through Windows.  Therefore, Leash cannot
> obtain Kerberos tickets from Windows.

One moment... I didn't say NT has kerberos like AD has, I asked if the 
behavior will be the same for NT-domain users like it's now for local users.

So, matching user/password with k5 principal and afs pts entry, a user 
will gain k5 ticket and token automatically, without prompts.

Users are from a nt-domain, not local.

> Leash will allow the user to obtain Kerberos 5 tickets for any user
> principal provided that the user knows the associated password.  Leash
> will attempt to obtain AFS tokens if OpenAFS is installed.

Allow automatically or will present the leash interface asking for a 
principal and password?

I'm just trying to understand before screwing up a windows client :)

Franco Milicchio <mailto:milicchio at wisc.edu>

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