Solaris 10 kadmin client

Wyllys Ingersoll Wyllys.Ingersoll at
Wed Mar 2 23:22:43 EST 2005

Ian Grant wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-03-01 at 12:17 -0600, Will Fiveash wrote:
> But the problem is not with the user principal, it is with the service
> principal. Read my message again. There is an undocumented -O switch on
> kadmind which, (in krb5-1.4 which is all I have source code for) reverts
> to KADM5_CONFIG_OLD_AUTH_GSSAPI and sets the service name to what one
> would expect (kadmin/admin). I have tried giving this switch to the
> Solaris kadmind without success:

Solaris kadmin and kadmind only support RPCSEC_GSS.  That option
is meaningless.

You can use either one with MIT 1.4, but Solaris only supports

>>Note, Solaris kadmin uses secure RPC and does not interoperate with
>>MIT's kadmind.  I'm betting the same holds for Heimdal kadmind.  
> That's not progress! Why can't it fall back to the MIT protocol?

Solaris has never supported MITs admin protocol (AUTH_GSS).  
MIT now supports RPCSEC_GSS in 1.4, Solaris is not moving 
backwards to add support for AUTH_GSS.


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