GSS-API error accepting context: Key version number for principal in key table is incorrect

Vikas Gandhi VGandhi at
Tue Jun 21 10:00:18 EDT 2005

Hi All


I am trying the latest samples from kfw-2.6. I am getting following
error when I run the gss-server. 


ktpass -kvno 5 -princ testKerb/ at DOMAIN.COM  -mapuser
testKerb -pass 1234 -crypto des-cbc-md5  -out krb5kt-testKerb


gss-server -port 4445 -verbose testKerb at DOMAIN.COM

gss-client  -port 4445 qrl testKerb hello


Any ideas why this is happening? I have tried with all combinations of
kvno from 1-11 and even without it also.




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