Kerberos, Samba3, Authldap

Harold A. Mackey mackey at
Fri Jun 10 10:24:42 EDT 2005


Here at MUSC we have an authLdap system and Samba for filesharing. I am
trying to get these people to consider putting up a KDC rather than use
samba hashes. Trouble is, AD is a leper amongst the faithful, and they are
saying that Samba3 will not work with Kerberos authentication:


WinClient-------------------------|                    |

MacOSX Client-----------------| authldap       |---------------------|

*NixClient------------------|__________|              ___|__________

       |                                                                  |

       |_________________________________| KDC                  |









I have seen and am trying to config my AD domain to pass tickets to my
FreeBSD server, but can I use authldap as the 'ad' element and still provide
tickets that a Samba3 server will accept? The Samba shares reside on a Sun
box, and ldap is on Linux. 


Something like this, but for win/mac clients also.






Many Thanks,

Harold A. Mackey

MUSC Digestive Disease Center

210 Jonathan Lucas Street  Suite 210

Charleston, SC 29425

Ph. 843-792-4858

Fx. 843-792-4184


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