kerberos authentication for apache on windows
jas at
Mon Jun 6 10:21:12 EDT 2005
Quoting Frank Balluffi <frank.balluffi at>:
> Julien ALLANOS said:
>> I've sniffed on port 88 but I didn't see any packet. Probably because
> browser,
>> KDC and web server are on the same machine? (I have only 1 machine on
>> my domain
>> atm).
> Yes, you will need to run a KDC on a separate machine to sniff the traffic
> -- at least with Ethereal.
>> However, I can see the Authorization header (Negotiate + Base64 stuff)
> in the
>> second GET request to the web server. The token begins with: 60 82 04 c7
> 06 06
>> 2b 06 01 05 05 02, which seems to be a SPNEGO token.
>> Is the service name encoded somewhere in this token? If I look at it as
> plain
>> text, I can see:
>> ¡
0£F0B ¡
>> so I believe the requested principal is
>> HTTP/ at ADCASSARD.JAS.AQL.FR, which doesn't match what
> is
>> inside the keytab
>> created a new keytab with the new service name, but it didn't change
>> anything, I
>> still got the no match error.
> Yes, the browser is sending a SPNEGO token containing a ticket to
> HTTP/ at ADCASSARD.JAS.AQL.FR -- you can figure this out
> by looking at the ASN.1 in
> draft-ietf-krb-wg-kerberos-clarifications-07.txt. Everything looks fine
> except the Kerberos realm names do not match. You now need to figure out
> why the ticket contains the realm ADCASSARD.JAS.AQL.FR and the keytab
> contains the realm SRV1.ADCASSARD.JAS.AQL.FR.
> Frank
As I said, I've created a new keytab with the
HTTP/ at ADCASSARD.JAS.AQL.FR service name (using ktpass).
klist now shows the correct principal:
> klist -k c:\WINDOWS\krb5kt
Keytab name: FILE:c:\WINDOWS\krb5kt
KVNO Principal
I've restarted Apache, restarted Firefox on the client session and
requested the
URL again. I got the same error: no principal match.
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