Using Solaris 10 kadmin with MIT 1.4.1 kadmind

Nicolas Williams Nicolas.Williams at
Fri Jun 3 15:23:33 EDT 2005

On Fri, Jun 03, 2005 at 01:13:23PM -0600, Heilke, Rainer wrote:
> A bug... Well, that makes us feel better in the sense that we aren't
> losing our marbles. I guess now, we just have to wait for the bug to get
> fixed. Unfortunately, this is now one of two issues that hold back any
> Solaris 10 rollout for us.
> Thanks to everyone for your help on this. We'll keep our eyes open for
> the bug fix from Sun in their weekly patch club report.

Sam's statement about MIT support for multiple realms in kadmind
convinces me that this is an RFE, not a bug.

I can file one if you want.


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