Kerberos for Wireless Authentication

Jeffrey Altman jaltman at
Fri Jun 3 14:21:16 EDT 2005

Saber Zrelli wrote:

> I think that the problem tagetted by IAKERB are a big obstacle that
> limit the scenarions where Kerberos can be used. 
> Specially, concerning wireless access networks, Kerberos can be very
> convenient due to the fact that tickets have life-times, which means
> that clients do not need to ride the full authentication path each
> time they perform a hand-over. Current methods based on EAP, are
> defining context transfer protocols to attack the problem related to
> the latency of handovers ( CTP for PANA in PANA wg ). Kerberos IMHO,
> can offer fast handover in wireless access networks, but it requires
> some complementary protocols such as IAKERB.  
> I really think that working on this axis should be amongst the
> milestones of kerberos wg. 

There is only so much that the active members of the working group
can work on at a given time.   If members of the wireless community
were to participate in the working group, it would increase the amount
of work that can be accomplished.

Jeffrey Altman
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