Single sign-on with ssh (only unix)

Nathan Ollerenshaw nathan at
Fri Jun 3 01:45:11 EDT 2005

On Jun 3, 2005, at 2:30 PM, Sam Hartman wrote:

> gssapidelegatecredentials yes

That doesn't seem to be an option in my openssh?

Starting sshd:/etc/ssh/sshd_config: line 76: Bad configuration  
option: GSSAPIDelegateCredentials

Will I need to grab the source RPM and rebuild to get that option? Am  
running FC3.

The two machines I am testing between seem to delegate credentials  
however; because I can ssh to one, then to the other then back to the  
first but not back to the second a second time ... so its working for  
2 hops. But is should work for any number of hops right?



Nathan Ollerenshaw / Systems Engineer
Systems Engineering
ValueCommerce Co., Ltd.

Tokyo Bldg 4F 3-32-7 Hongo Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 113-0033 Japan
Tel. +81.3.3817.8995   Fax. +81.3.3812.4051
mailto:nathan at

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  problems just with potatoes." - Douglas Adams

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