HTTP mutual auth [Was: Need some tips on kerberizing our ENTIRE network]

Fred Dushin fadushin at
Thu Jul 28 07:47:03 EDT 2005

Could you elaborate on how this would break the HTTP spec?  I was  
under the (admittedly naive) impression that more or less any  
challenge-response authentication mechanism could be implemented in  
HTTP via the HTTP 401 error code.  So presumably I would think that  
GSS context tokens could be exchanged through this mechanism.  (E.g.,  
client sends a request with an initial context token, server returns  
an HTTP 401 with a continuation token, client resends request with  
context completion token, and perhaps subsequent requests contain  
some context identifier)

This approach may not be standard, but a standard authentication  
mechanism could theoretically be proposed.  I don't see how it breaks  
HTTP, but I'm not an HTTP expert.


On Jul 11, 2005, at 12:59 PM, Wyllys Ingersoll wrote:

> Mutual authentication is not supported correctly because it is not  
> possible
> to do so without violating the HTTP spec.

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