
Sam Hartman hartmans-ietf at MIT.EDU
Sun Jul 17 21:55:12 EDT 2005

>>>>> "Saber" == Saber Zrelli <zrelli at jaist.ac.jp> writes:

    Saber> when some visiting user would like to connect to a foreign
    Saber> wireless network, In addition to the bootstrapping problem,
    Saber> the actual protocol defined by IAKERB does not allow the
    Saber> operator to authenticate the visiting user since he/she is
    Saber> not registered in the local DB. Hence there is need to
    Saber> extend the proxy properties to perform inter-realm
    Saber> operations (to communicate with the user's home realm ) for
    Saber> authenticating roaming users.

For the record, I strongly disagree with the above.

I don't have time to explain now, but will try to get to it reasonably soon.

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