PAM - Kerberos issues

Madhusudan Singh spammers-go-here at spam.invalid
Sun Jul 10 21:35:05 EDT 2005

Matt Payton wrote:

> Madhusudan Singh wrote:
> [...]
>> Thanks for your response. How do I tell kerberos installation where to
>> find the compiled pam modules ?
> I would guess that you'll have to recompile kerberos to include PAM, and
> as part of ./configure you'd tell it where the PAM libs are.
> Again, this is just a guess...

A guess I made before I posed my followup question. There do not seem to be
any such options in the kerberos configure script.

> Actually, now that I poked around on a RedHat based machine I see there
> is a specific pam_krb5afs package.  googling pam_krb5afs turns up quite
> a few hits, so maybe that's a good place to start...

I found the pam_krb5 source code on sourceforge. But I cannot seem to find
pam_krb5afs. Further, the configure options for pam_krb5 seem to make
reference to existing kerberos 5 library and pam library paths :

  --with-pamdir=dir       Where to put pam module LIBDIR/security
  --with-krb5=dir         Look for Kerberos libs, headers in another
  --with-krb4=dir         use Kerberos 4 headers and libs under dir
  --with-krbafs=dir       use Kerberos 5-hacked krbafs package under dir

So what should I do ? Compile kerberos first or pam_krb5 first ? And does
either give me pam_krb5afs ?

krbafs is another package entirely and does not seem to have anything to do
with pam_krb5afs (

I have been a slack user for more than a year and would gladly recommend
this to anyone anyday, but this mess with pam seems to be a serious
shortcoming to me.

Thanks for your response.

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