Problems with Keytabs

js1 js1 at dev.js1.bogus
Tue Jul 5 18:14:44 EDT 2005

I get the following message when I run "kinit -k -t my.keytab":

  kinit(v5): Cannot find KDC for requested realm while getting initial credentials

It works fine if I just do "kinit my_user".  I did a tcpdump and noticed
that when I try to use the keytab, kinit seems to look for 
_kerberos._udp.LOCALDOMAIN and _kerberos._tcp.LOCALDOMAIN.  But, 
when I don't use the keytab, it queries my kerberos server, 
kerberos.mydomain.bogus.  How do I alter this behavior?  Thanks for
any tips.

"I have to decide between two equally frightening options.  
                         If I wanted to do that, I'd vote." --Duckman

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