AW: AW: Example for kinit -S ... ?
Barbat, Calin
c.barbat at
Mon Jan 24 03:38:09 EST 2005
Hi Juan,
OK. :-)
What I'm trying to do now, is RFC calls by SNC between two SAP instances.
And I'm asking if I need to require a service ticket from the other instance or not, that is to say:
As wd1adm: kinit -S SAPServiceWD2/<domain>@<REALM>
As wd2adm: kinit -S SAPServiceWD1/<domain>@<REALM>
But then I'd need to provide passwords, if I understand it well. Which I want to avoid, in order to make it cron-able without writing passwords in the crontab. Is it possible?
And what about authenticating the SAP user which makes the RFC call, especially if it is a background job?
How can it be done?
Best regards,
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Juan Manuel Sestelo [mailto:eltoken02 at]
Gesendet: Freitag, 21. Januar 2005 21:08
An: Barbat, Calin
Betreff: Re: AW: Example for kinit -S ... ?
Hi Calin!
Yes, if you have two or more services (SAP instances) you can join all the keytabs into one
This the best way to do that:
1- execute ktutil
2- Into the ktutil's command promt, write:
rkt <keytab1> [enter]
rkt <keytab2> [enter]
3- if you want to see the joined keytab type list [enter]
4- write wkt </etc/krb5.keytab> [enter] to save the keytab
Then, for each SAP instance, you have to execute its own service with <SID>adm user. You can cron
For example:
SAP WD1 -> kinit -k -t /etc/krb5.keytab SAPServiceWD1/<domain>@<REALM>
SAP WD2 -> kinit -k -t /etc/krb5.keytab SAPServiceWD2/<domain>@<REALM>
Juan Manuel
--- "Barbat, Calin" <c.barbat at> escribió:
> Hello Luke,
> Ok. Suppose, I have two services (SAP R/3 instances) which call each other by kerberized RFC
> (remote function call).
> Does every service need then a ticket for the other one, possibly in the own keytab?
> Then I would do something like: kinit -k -t /etc/krb5.keytab <name1>/<domain>@<REALM> -S
> <name2>/<domain>@<REALM>
> and the keytab would need to contain both entries if I understand it well. Or?
> Thanks,
> Calin.
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Luke Howard [mailto:lukeh at]
> Gesendet: Montag, 17. Januar 2005 15:15
> An: Barbat, Calin
> Cc: kerberos at
> Betreff: Re: Example for kinit -S ... ?
> >can somebody explain to me when to issue kinit with -S <service>?
> >Perhaps with an example, preferably applied to a GSS-API-application.
> >
> >My command so far: kinit -k -t /etc/krb5.keytab <name>/<domain>@<REALM>
> When you want a ticket to the specified service rather than a ticket
> granting ticket.
> -- Luke
> --
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