Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Tue Jan 18 18:09:33 EST 2005

>>>>> "Fredrik" == Fredrik Tolf <fredrik at> writes:

    Fredrik> However, looking around at other programs, it seems that
    Fredrik> most (all?) are using GSSAPI. Thus, I'm wondering what
    Fredrik> the advantages of using GSSAPI are, and when you should
    Fredrik> use GSSAPI and when you should use the native API. 

In general if you can use GSSAPI you should do so.  We have some
better GSSAPI examples (Alexis wrote them) but for some silly license
reasons we cannot currently distribute them.  I'll prod the appropriate people on that issue again.

    Fredrik> I know
    Fredrik> that GSSAPI is supposed to be able to support other
    Fredrik> mechanism apart from Kerberos, but from what I know, this
    Fredrik> hasn't happened so far, so that doesn't really seem to be
    Fredrik> a very great advantage of using GSSAPI.

no there are several GSSAPI mechanisms besides Kerberos.  Most of them
are fairly expensive.  


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