creating the database

Ken Raeburn raeburn at MIT.EDU
Fri Jan 14 16:08:38 EST 2005

On Jan 14, 2005, at 15:41, Dan Million wrote:
> # kdb5_util create -r MYREALM.ORNL.GOV -s
> Program lacks support for key type while setting up enctype 0

> Enter KDC database master key:
> Re-enter KDC database master key to verify:
> create: Bad encryption type while transforming master key from password

> kdc.conf:
> [realms]
>          master_key_type = des3_cbc_sha1

Our enctype names use dashes, not underscores.  I'm a bit surprised it 
kept going after the first error, though.

We should have a better way of indicating this, but our error-reporting 
framework isn't up to the task at present. :-(


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