kadmin can't use TGT based?

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Tue Jan 4 15:36:23 EST 2005

>>>>> "Chaskiel" == Chaskiel M Grundman <cg2v at andrew.cmu.edu> writes:

    Chaskiel> --On Monday, January 03, 2005 00:19:47 +0000 Mark Roach
    Chaskiel> <mrroach at okmaybe.com> wrote:

    >> Hi, I'm fairly new to Kerberos. I want to verify that I
    >> understand this item correctly: Is it true that you can not use
    >> a TGT based ticket to connect to the kadmin server?
    Chaskiel> If your realm is set up properly, then yes. It is proper
    Chaskiel> practice to set DISALLOW_TGT_BASED on the kadmin/admin,
    Chaskiel> kadmin/changepw, and changepw/kerberos service
    Chaskiel> principals. that is however a policy decision, not
    Chaskiel> anything that is fixed in the protocol.

Well, I think the MIT kadmind actually enforces this itself even if
you don't set the KDC policy.


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