Help ON Single SIGN ON W2000kdc -> Apache

Pedro Ferreira pedro.m.ferreira at
Mon Jan 3 11:50:59 EST 2005

Hi ppl 
I'm trying to implement a single sign on, between a w2000 machine an a Linux Box

I'm having a bit of a trouble.

WINDOWS2000 = w2000kdc.pulso.ptc
LINUX = debian.pulso.ptc

the first thing i did was creating an account in the w2000 box with
the name debian

then I issued the commands 

ktpass -princ HTTP/debian at PULSO.PTC -mapuser debian -pass debian -out

setspn -A HTTP/debian debian

after that I copied the HTTP.keytab to the LINUXBOX
and then I did 

$ cp HTTP.keytab /etc/krb5.keytab

I think this covers the basics for an kerberos based authentication

my /etc/krb5.conf  :

        default_realm = PULSO.PTC

debian.pulso.ptc = PULSO.PTC


        kdc =  w2000kdc.pulso.ptc
        admin_server =  w2000kdc.pulso.ptc


After editing the /etc/krb5.conf i configured the Apache .
I compiled and inserted the module  mod_auth_gss_krb5 into APACHE 

And also enabled integrated windows authentication in IE6.0 on the w2000kdc

IN the document root I inserted the following lines
           GssKrb5Keytab "/etc/krb5.keytab"
           Krb5Keytab "/etc/krb5.keytab"
           KrbAuthRealm PULSO.PTC
           Krb5SaveCredentials Off
           AuthType GSS
           GssAuth On
           AuthName "KRB5 Realm"
           require valid-user

when i try to access the webserver via a logged in user in w2000kdc.pulso.ptc
i get the following error in the webserver

==> /var/log/apache/error.log <==
[Mon Jan  3 17:43:14 2005] [notice] [client]
gss_acquire_cred() failed: No principal in keytab matches desired

==> /var/log/apache/access.log <== - - [03/Jan/2005:17:43:14 +0000] "GET /~xe HTTP/1.1" 401
472 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)" - - [03/Jan/2005:17:43:14 +0000] "GET /~xe HTTP/1.1" 500
594 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0)"

Pedro Miguel Nunes Ferreira
Telf: +351 917427847

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