kinit locking up

Jon DeVree jadevree at
Sun Dec 11 01:25:45 EST 2005

On Sat, Dec 10, 2005 at 05:36:06PM -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:
> Jon DeVree <jadevree at> writes:
> > futex(0x804d2f4, FUTEX_WAIT, 2, NULL)   = -1 EINTR (Interrupted system
> > call)
> > Of course I Ctrl+C'd kinit after a few seconds.
> Of course, I can't manage to reproduce this (or I wouldn't have uploaded
> the new Kerberos packages to Debian until I got to the bottom of it).  I'm
> rather unclear as to what could be going on, or why it would be sensitive
> to whether or not you gave your principal name on the command line.
Well as soon as I remove getpwuid() from the function that looks up my
username kinit works flawlessly although not terribly usefully.

> Out of curiousity, if it's easy for you, could you install the kstart
> package and try obtaining a ticket with k5start?  It should work basically
> like kinit, but it's an independent implementation.  That should isolate
> whether it's some sort of library problem or possibly a problem in kinit
> itself.
k5start seems to be working fine.
Also if I didn't mention it, pam_krb5 is working fine too.
SSH fails if it tries GSSAPIAuthentication. It locks up in the same futex
function presumably in the same spot of libkrb5.

"Only in the tales that humans tell do the hunters kill the wolves in the end." -- Jin-Roh
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