kerberos and web services kresimir.pendic at
Tue Dec 6 10:51:53 EST 2005

Helo to group,

im new to here, and in advance sorry if i repeat some old isues or well
known things for group.

i understand that kerberos as auth protocol functions on udp-tcp port
(V5) '88',
i like it as im begining to learning it little,
i know that firewall corp. blocks everything but port 80 (for http),
for sec. reasons,
i know that web services send and recev. also on port 80 so can pass
(ok, so thats why thay r so popular :)~

and my thoughts alse Q! r? :

- is it posible to have kerberos for auth mech. over internet, and
especialy for port 80.
- does it alse need some other input or output for 3way communication
it relies on, or only this port would be ok.

im trying to learn something for maiby my implementations in the
future, and if one has some ideas to propose, i would be very

ty, by!


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