Network address resolution problem on AIX

Kevin Coffman kwc at
Wed Aug 24 17:15:07 EDT 2005

> I have struggled with this for almost two days now and I just can't seem to
> get past this hurdle... Hopefully somebody out there will say: "Duh, you're
> doing XYZ wrong!".
> I keep getting a "kinit(v5): Cannot resolve network address for KDC in
> requested realm while getting initial credentials" error when I run kinit.

> I install it and create /etc/krb5.conf:
> [libdefaults]
>         default_realm = TESTDOMAIN.TAX.STATE.VT.US
> [realms]
>                 kdc =
>         }
> [domain_realms]

Is that a typo?  The proper name for the stanza is [domain_realm] (no 

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