krb_error 18 Clients credential have been revoked (18)

Denton Guy-Williams dguywill at
Wed Aug 10 15:38:12 EDT 2005

I am getting the above error when I run the kinit command in windows (DOS) 
while trying to connect to our Active Directory with the Windows Native 
Authentication Service Principal account HTTP/  The full 
error is:

c:> kinit HTTP/
password for HTTP/ at ********

Exception: krb_error 18 Clients credential have been revoked (18) krb_error 
18 Clients credential have been revoked

The little information I have found suggest that it might be a workstation 
restriction, or logon attempt outside logon hours, or account disabled, 
expired, or locked out.  I am not sure if that is my problem, but I had to 
drop and recreate that account yesterday.  Looking at properties on Active 
DIrectory, the user account seems fine.  The account is not locked or 
anything like that.

Is there are way for me to reinitiate/reactivate that account?  Any 
suggestions would be grately appreciated.


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