Help wanted

all mail refused elvis at
Wed Sep 29 16:47:20 EDT 2004

Christian wrote:

>To whom it may concern,
>	Hi my name is Christian Maynor, I work for Dexcomm. I have just been
>assigned the task of installing kerberos. I have read through all of your
>installation guides, and my understanding of the text is not the best. I am
>having a lot of trouble even finding out where to begin. It says to extract
>the files to a folder and edit some config files with some switches that
>when I run give me errors like, not recognized as an internal or external
>command, operable program or batch file. Well needless to say I am lost. If
>you could possibly help me out, (a kerberos guide for dummy's would be nice)
>or recommend a book that would help I would appreciate it greatly. Thanks
>for your time and support.

I think it would be a good plan to explain to your boss that this
is not quick or simple and that you insist on a suitably lengthy trial
on test equipment before you even think about picking a date for doing
it for real.  If your boss has given this job to someone unfamiliar
with it he probably needs that warning.

You haven't said anything about what your systems are, what exact commands
you ran and what your exact errors were.   I haven't (yet) installed it
but I think your question is a bit vague for direct answers.

Elvis Notargiacomo  master AT barefaced DOT cheek
    7.031: OnACPower returned value( 0x1 ) which is Equal To 0x1

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