Does anyone object if KFW beta test announcements are made to this

Jeffrey Altman jaltman2 at
Thu Sep 9 10:03:52 EDT 2004

The MIT Kerberos group is attempting to better communicate
with KFW user community.   In the past 18 months we have found
that most users of KFW are unaware of beta releases and therefore
fail to test them in their environments.  This has resulted in
a large number of dot-dot releases as bugs are only discovered
after the final release has been made.

Currently announcements of KFW beta releases are treated as
development builds are are therefore only announced on the
krbdev AT mit DOT edu mailing list.  Since KFW is used by
most organizations and individuals are a packaged binary
release with a standard installer my guess is that most users
do not subscribe to the development mailing list.

Since this newsgroup is not specific to MIT Kerberos we want
to check to ensure that no one would object if we added
KFW beta announcements to the traffic flow of this group.


Jeffrey Altman

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