kprop problem (slave installation)

Domenico Diacono domenico.diacono at
Fri May 21 08:35:14 EDT 2004

Il /20 mag 2004/, *Ken Raeburn* ha scritto:

> Sounds like the server side is dying right away.  Check some
> basics first:  Is the pathname in the xinetd config file correct? 

Thank you for your answer.

As you correctly guessed it was a xinetd problem, the original file 
that i was using contained an evil line:

only_from      = localhost

that, ehm, i haven't notice...cut and paste is REALLY dangerous...

Without that line the propagation succeed if i don't use the "-S" 
flag, so my correct xinetd.conf is:

        instances      = 60
        log_type       = SYSLOG authpriv info
        log_on_success = HOST PID
        log_on_failure = HOST
        cps            = 25 30

service krb5_prop
        flags       = REUSE
        socket_type = stream
        protocol    = tcp
        wait        = no
        user        = root
        server      = /.../sbin/kpropd
        server_args =
        disable     = no

service eklogin
        flags       = REUSE
        socket_type = stream
        protocol    = tcp
        wait        = no
        user        = root
        server      = /.../sbin/klogind
        server_args = -k -c -e
        disable     = no

Thank you again for your help in this debug, i guess that hurry is not 
a good thing when you are configuring a K5 system...


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