Proftpd with mod_gss: "GSSAPI Error minor: Permission denied"

Jeffrey Altman jaltman2 at
Fri May 14 21:28:22 EDT 2004

ram marti wrote:

> francesca caggiati wrote:
>> snipped
>> GSSAPI Error major: Miscellaneous failure
>> GSSAPI Error minor: Permission denied
>> GSSAPI Error: Error acquiring credentials
>> GSSAPI ADAT failed
>> GSSAPI authentication failed
>> KERBEROS_V4 rejected as an authentication type
> You are trying to use Kerbers V4. Try using Kerberos V5 as the GSSAPI 
> mechanism.
>     = Ram Marti

AUTH KERBEROS_V4 is being tried only after the AUTH GSSAPI fails.
The KERBEROS_V4 is not related to GSSAPI; it is a separate AUTH mechanism.

Permission is denied because you do not have the appropriate
Kerberos tickets on the client.  Try executing kinit before you
contact the FTP server.

Jeffrey Altman

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