ASN.1 errors while authenticating a Red Hat Linux 9 machine to a Windows 2003 native AD Domain

Edward W. Ray ewray at
Mon May 3 00:51:25 EDT 2004

Has anyone seen and/or know how to solve this issue?  I am using
Samba/Kerberos/LDAP to authenticate a Red Hat Linux 9 Mail Server to a
Windows 2003 AD.  I get the following errors:
[root at ns2 root]# net ads join -U root
root's password: 
[2004/05/02 21:50:05, 0] libads/kerberos.c:ads_kinit_password(136)
  kerberos_kinit_password root at MMICMANHOMENET.LOCAL failed: ASN.1 failed
call to system time library
[root at ns2 root]# kinit root at MMICMANHOMENET.LOCAL
Password for root at MMICMANHOMENET.LOCAL: 
kinit(v5): ASN.1 failed call to system time library while getting initial
[root at ns2 root]# 

Thanks in advance!
Edward W. Ray

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