kerberos + Pam issue

Mike Zupan mzupan at
Wed Mar 31 09:23:11 EST 2004

yep that cleared up my problem. I am converting from ldap to kerberos
and I was unaware that kerberos needed at least the local user in the
passwd file. Thanks for the help


On Tue, 2004-03-30 at 18:16, seph wrote:
> > I get the following error in /var/log/messages on the client
> >
> > Mar 30 13:39:20 homer login(pam_unix)[21652]: check pass; user unknown
> > Mar 30 13:39:20 homer login(pam_unix)[21652]: authentication failure;
> > logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=tty2 ruser= rhost= 
> > Mar 30 13:39:20 homer login[21652]: pam_krb5: unable to determine
> > uid/gid for user
> it can't find account information. like uid and gid (as the error
> says). What's the account part of your pam setup say? Where do you
> expect that data to come from?
> Are you using /etc/passwd on the server? If so, you'll need the
> equivalent on the client. This is one of the things ldap or hesiod is
> used for. kerberos only provides authentication.
> seph
Mike Zupan <mzupan at>

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