kerberos password change in master-slave environ

Digant Kasundra digant at
Wed Mar 24 16:52:49 EST 2004

No, someone stated that a single KDC isn't a problem unless you have a
couple thousand principals.  I was stating that we will have 43,000.  

We haven't deployed yet.  We're still in a proof-of-concept phase.  Since we
are moving away from a Microsoft environment, we're being challenged with
making sure we aren't losing features we had with MS (like the multimaster

-----Original Message-----
From: Sam Hartman
To: Digant Kasundra
Cc: ''Ken Hornstein ' '; '''kerberos at ' ' '
Sent: 3/24/2004 2:20 PM
Subject: Re: kerberos password change in master-slave environ

>>>>> "Digant" == Digant Kasundra <digant at> writes:

    Digant> I STAND CORRECTED! (on the incremental replication stuff,
atleast).  I just
    Digant> got an email with an updated link:

You claim that with 43,000 principals you're actually having load
problems with a single KDC?

If true, that would really surprise me.  How many requests per second
do you see?


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