Java Kerberos and Windows 2003 Server

Rouiller Claude claude.rouiller at
Mon Jun 21 03:31:01 EDT 2004


Now, I've configured the client to use TCP only
(I've set "udp_preference_limit = 1" in krb5.ini).

That solves the problem so far.

In fact I realiszed that it wasn't only a problem with kinit, but with the
GSS-API as well.
(Maybe the GSS-API uses kinit internally?).

The problem occurs when the packets are too large for UDP and the client
switchs to TCP. The error seems to occur during the TCP-fallback. Here is a
part of the stack trace: 

tried to access class 
from class


-----Original Message-----
From: Seema Malkani [mailto:Seema.Malkani at Sun.COM] 
Sent: Sunday, June 20, 2004 7:57 PM
To: Rouiller Claude
Subject: Java Kerberos and Windows 2003 Server

Rouiller Claude,

You have posted following problem in the java forums.
Would like to get more info on this problem.
Please send me the details.

----- Java forums -------
- Krb5LoginModule works all right.
- kinit only works with UDP (small tickets) and crashes when it has to 
try with TCP (large tickets)

Am I right? (please tell me if you managed to get a (large) ticket using 
kinit and TCP)

Of course, this applies if you use JDK 1.4.2 on Windows XP and a Windows 
2003 KDC.
----- Java forums -------


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