OK that's fixed

Mr Self Destruct tagada at tagada.com
Wed Jun 9 16:45:56 EDT 2004

I finally read the script after some rest :o) ... and I find an error in

On Wed, 09 Jun 2004 00:18:46 +0200, Mr Self Destruct wrote:

> On Wed, 09 Jun 2004 00:06:37 +0200, Mr Self Destruct wrote:
> I forgot some important things :
> I'm using the MIT sources, compiled with the option not to install
> kerberos 4.
> 2) I'm using the kerberos ftp deamon for my benchmark on kftp (not proftpd)
>> Hello,
>> I'm currently writing benchmarks to compare the speed of ftp vs kftp. I
>> have three computers on a 100 mb/s LAN. One is the kdc, one is a client,
>> the third is the ftp server. All computers are running on Debian 3.
>> 1) The benchmark for ftp is based on the command "time". I'm timing the
>> whole process of logging till bye is typed. All is made with automatic
>> Perl scripts even the ftp commands typing. The server uses the proftp
>> deamon. 
>> 2) I'm using the same process for kftp. I do the kinit before
>> timing. 
>> I have a sample of files of different size. Each file is downloaded ten
>> times, then I only keep the mean of the time transfer.
>> Here are the results in seconds :
>>  	FTP				
>> 16  bytes      0.0404
>> 128 bytes      0.04054
>>   1 KB         0.040154
>>   8 KB         0.0412154
>>  64 KB         0.05382154
>> 512 KB         0.119682154
>>   4 MB         1.5084682154
>>  32 MB        11.86024682154
>> 256 MB       148.321224682154
>>   2 GB      1197.84332246822
>> 	KFTP
>>  16 B          0.0277
>> 128 B          0.03217
>>   1 KB         0.032817
>>   8 KB         0.0318817
>>  64 KB         0.03598817
>> 512 KB         0.084298817
>>   4 MB         0.5235298817
>>  32 MB        11.27425298817
>> 256 MB       142.527725298817
>>   2 GB      1153.79037252988
>> As you can see, the transfer time looks slightly better with kftp, 
>> a fact that I find hard to believe because there's more data transfer due
>> to the TGS request and replies and the session key transfer between
>> client and server.
>> As someone any explaination or hints for me ??
>> Thank you !!
>> Mr Self Destruct

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