kerberos error

Andrew S Waxman awaxman at
Wed Jul 14 23:44:11 EDT 2004

I'm having trouble with my sidecar.  I use sidecar to check email using 
eudora at iowa state univeristy.  i recently installed another version of 
sidecar from cornell simultaneously to check something on that 
system.  after i removed it my iowa state sidecar has never acted the 
same.  i now have to open sidecar and the ticket, it used to open 
automatically when i checked mail on eudora.  i removed all the kerberos 
files i could find and reinstalled it.  i attempted this twice but i still 
get the error message, i think error 76, no ticket file.  i would 
appreciate your help with this problem.

thank you, andrew w.

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