Attempting to build and test under Cygwin

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Wed Jul 7 21:13:13 EDT 2004

>>>>> "David" == David E Sigeti <sigeti at> writes:

    David> Dear Kerberos Folks, I am attempting to build and test MIT
    David> krb5 1.3.4 under Cygwin on a W2K machine.  The tests fail
    David> in the db2 utility.  The output is (in part):

I'm sort of impressed you got it to complie.  From time to time people
say they want cygwin builds working and sometimes get it building but
for the most part do not offer to submit clean patches to fix problems
they encounter.  We wouldn't mind cygwin builds working but don't have
resources to dedicate to it ourselves.

We'd recommend working with current snapshots for generating patches rather than 1.3.x releases.  

If you do have patches that are reasonably clean, please submit them
to krb5-bugs at


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