Bug in Kerberized telnet??

Russ Allbery rra at stanford.edu
Tue Jul 6 12:49:15 EDT 2004

Carretti Enrico <carretti.enrico.26608 at unimo.it> writes:

> but Apache returns an error, the 501 (i.e. Method not implemented). This
> is quite strange but comes clearer if I look to error.log, where I have
> [...] "\xff\xfb%GET / HTTP/1.0" 501 304 
> This means that before GET there are some other characters ( \xff\xfb%
> ), as you see not written by me, that make the request fail. Trying with
> a non kerberized client to preform the same process I get a correct
> answer by the server.

It looks like telnet is trying to do option negotiation even though the
destination port isn't the telnet port.

Russ Allbery (rra at stanford.edu)             <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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