pls send me the answer for this question

Turbo Fredriksson turbo at
Thu Jan 15 03:10:58 EST 2004

Quoting "Mani K" <manik at>:

> Which of the following is addressed by Kerberos?
> a.	authorization and authentication
> b.	validation and integrity
> c.	confidentiality and integrity

I'm on a very thin ice here. But from what I DO know,
only authentication is really addressed.

Not exactly sure what you mean with 'confidentiality'
and 'integrity' but I'd say 'integrity' (and maybe even
confidentiality) none the less.

What Kerberos DOES NOT address is 'authorization'! That
is the question 'What do I have access to' and Kerberos
does NOT do that.

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