Problem compiling kfw 2.5.

Jeffrey Altman jaltman at
Tue Jan 13 22:55:58 EST 2004

I believe KFW 2.5 is not supported under .NET 2003. (KFW 2.6 will be)
Why do you need to build from source?

Jeffrey Altman
KFW Maintainer

Kevin Burton wrote:
> I installed perl and followed all of the instructions but during the build
> of kfw 2.5 I get the following error. I am using Visual Studio .NET 2003.
> 04/01/13 12:57:21]
> g:\kburton\kfw-2.5\src\athena\auth\krbcc\src\CCacheLib\Sources\Headers\CCIUn
> iqueGlobally.h(82) : warning C4346: 'CCIUniqueGlobally<T>::UniqueID' :
> dependent name is not a type
> [04/01/13 12:57:21] prefix with 'typename' to indicate a type
> [04/01/13 12:57:21]
> g:\kburton\kfw-2.5\src\athena\auth\krbcc\src\CCacheLib\Sources\Headers\CCIUn
> iqueGlobally.h(82) : error C2072: 'CCIUniqueGlobally<T>::Resolve' :
> initialization of a function [04/01/13 12:57:21]
> g:\kburton\kfw-2.5\src\athena\auth\krbcc\src\CCacheLib\Sources\Headers\CCIUn
> iqueGlobally.h(82) : fatal error C1903: unable to recover from previous
> error(s); stopping compilation [04/01/13 12:57:22] NMAKE : fatal error
> U1077: 'cl' : return code '0x2' [04/01/13 12:57:22] Stop.
> Any ideas as to how I can resolve this problem?
> Thank you.
> Kevin Burton
> rkevinburton at

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