Heimdal kpasswd compatible with MIT KDC?

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Thu Jan 8 16:40:28 EST 2004

>>>>> "xiongj" == xiongj  <xiongj at rpi.edu> writes:

    xiongj> Hi everyone...  I am getting a failure when I try kpasswd
    xiongj> using Heimdal:

    xiongj> jin at machine01:~> kpasswd jin at JIN.COM's Password: New
    xiongj> password: Verifying password - New password: Reply from
    xiongj> server: Failed reading application request

The kpasswd programs should be compatible.  However there was a bug in
Heimdal or at least something recently changed in Heimdal that made
things work better with MIT KDCs.

Hopefully someone on the Heimdal front will speak up.

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