Loopback Interface

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Wed Jan 7 00:17:18 EST 2004

>>>>> "ms419" == ms419  <ms419 at freezone.co.uk> writes:

    ms419> I'm running a slave kerberos KDC on my OS X laptop. I need
    ms419> to access the KDC when the laptop is disconnected from any
    ms419> network, but the KDC doesn't bind to the loopback
    ms419> interface, and I can't seem to setup a dummy interface in
    ms419> OS X. OS X shuts down any interface on which it can't
    ms419> detect a link. How can I force the KDC to bind to the
    ms419> loopback interface?

You cannot do so with the KDC shipped with OSX.

There has been enough discussion of this feature of the code that we
may want to revisit allowing the kdc to bind to the loopback address.

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