running krb5kdc from xinetd

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Wed Feb 25 14:50:58 EST 2004

>>>>> "Leland" == Leland Wallace <randall at> writes:

    Leland> The KDC launches just fine, but it does not complete the
    Leland> request that triggered the launch. If I quit kinit & try
    Leland> again, it all works as the kdc is running. Is there
    Leland> something I'm doing wrong? I have also tried setting it up
    Leland> as a dgram service, but that does not work (the kdc
    Leland> complains that it can't bind to port 88/tcp). Both client
    Leland> and server are Mac OS X 10.3.x

The KDC does not support running out of inetd.  Reasons adding this
support would be a b bad idea include:
* Setting up the PRNG for key generation

*  The lookaside cache for retransmitting replays

* Binding to both TCP and UDP

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