Need help with compiling gss-api into patched openssh

Scott Ehrlich scott at
Wed Feb 25 10:08:15 EST 2004

I just upgraded my Cygwin installation on my XP laptop, downloaded the
gssapi patch from, obtained the corresponding
openssh/portable from, patched without error, downloaded
the Krb5 source and compiled, pointing to the kerb5 source directory, and,
towards the end of ./configure in the openssh directory, receive:

checking for gss_init_sec_context in -lgssapi_krb5... no
configure: WARNING: Cannot find any suitable gss-api library - build may
checking for gssapi.h... no
configure: WARNING: Cannot find any suitable gss-api header - build may

What am I missing?   Doesn't the patch take care of that?

Thanks for any help.


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