Fwd: Re: Kerberos error authenticating from Unix to Windows AD

Douglas E. Engert deengert at anl.gov
Thu Feb 19 14:19:19 EST 2004

Tyson Oswald wrote:
> Tyson Oswald <oswaldt at ameritech.net> wrote: I generated a host key on the a Windows server and installed it on the Sun workstation with ktutil.  The key was generated with the same password as the user on windows.  It was setup with DES-CBC-CRC enctype, also krb5.conf is setup to use des-cbc-crc for both tkt and tgs.  One thing I did do was when I FTPed the host key to the Sun box I used binary instead of ascii, if that caused a problem I do not know. If you think this could cause this issue I will re-copy it.

Anyother way to do it is when you run the ktpass /out ...
it will type out the entry on the console, and show the kvno and the
DES key in hex. 

You can then use the ktutil   "addent -key" and type in the DES key in
hex on the UNIX system. This avoids any string-to-key problems, as well 
as any transfer problems.

If nothing else you cold verify if the key and kvno is as expected
by using klist -k -K ...

> thank you,
> Tyson Oswald
> Jeffrey Altman <jaltman2 at nyc.rr.com> wrote:
> Do you have a host key for the Windows workstation?
> Does the Windows workstation know the name you have used for its host key?
> Is the host key restricted to use an enctype of DES-CBC-CRC?
> Did you create the host key with a password and not a random key?
> Did you install the password into the Workstation using KSETUP?
> Jeffrey Altman
> Tyson Oswald wrote:
> > Hello all,
> >
> > I read the white paper on the MS site
> > (http://www.microsoft.com/windows2000/techinfo/planning/security/kerbsteps.asp)
> > to setup AD authentication on Unix. It is based on MIT KDC, but I am
> > using SEAM. Since SEAM is based on MIT, I assumed it would work. I
> > am using SEAM 1.0.1 on SPARC Solaris 8. I followed the instructions
> > in the white paper, and according to the event log on our PDC the user
> > authenticates successfully. But, the Service Ticket is failing
> > authentication. I am troubled as to why. The event id I am getting
> > in the event log is 677. The failure code is 0x0d (bad option) and
> > the ticket option is 0x02. According the the RFC 0x02 menas FORWARDED.
> >
> > Has anyone run into this error or know what is wrong?
> >
> > thank you,
> >
> > Tyson Oswald
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 Douglas E. Engert  <DEEngert at anl.gov>
 Argonne National Laboratory
 9700 South Cass Avenue
 Argonne, Illinois  60439 
 (630) 252-5444

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