problem with the kinit_prompter in kfw 2.5

Jeffrey Altman jaltman at
Wed Feb 18 18:22:08 EST 2004

Examine the Kerberos 5 1.3.2 Admin Docs on the MIT Kerberos web site.

Beata A. Pruski wrote:

>I did some more search within the source code (kfw-2.5) and found out that 
>there are two entries in the realms section of the configuration file which 
>are used for locating kdc(s). They are called "kdc" and "master_kdc", 
>respectively. I did not have the second one. Once I added "master_kdc" entry 
>into krb5.ini, the prompter was executed.
>The documentation I read (included with the source code) does not mention the 
>"master_kdc" field. Where can I find the most current docs?
>FYI, I tested the described above solution with kfw-2.6-beta6. The prompter is 
>used for the expired password only if "master_kdc" is configured in the realms 

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