malloc hang inside krb5_sendto_kdc

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Tue Feb 3 14:48:20 EST 2004

>>>>> "Ken" == Ken Weaverling <weave at> writes:

    Ken> So .... is this a known bug? I've read some stuff that if a
    Ken> program clobbers malloc'ed memory it can sometimes exhibit a
    Ken> hang in _malloc_consolidate.

    Ken> Any hints on next steps I can take? I have an open support
    Ken> call with redhat for the past two weeks but it's not moving
    Ken> very quickly. :(

No, this is not a known bug, but we are concerned that others may be
seeing it.  We don't really know what is going on.

Can I get you to try setting the environment variable LD_ASSUME_KERNEL
to 2.4.1 in the process that displays the problem?  Does that make
things better?

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