Preauth and ticket forwarding

Rachel Elizabeth Dillon red at MIT.EDU
Tue Dec 7 15:07:15 EST 2004

I am one of many administrators for a network of 50 machines running
MIT Kerberos on Solaris. Recently, another administrator installed a 
Cisco VPN Magic Box that supposedly uses Kerberos authentication, but
won't work unless preauthentication is turned off. With 
preauthentication turned off for any given principal, ticket forwarding
no longer works for that principal. I guess my question is threefold:

1. What does preauth _actually_ do? From some reading, I believed it to
   be based on clock skew, and fixed the clock skew between the VPN box
   and the Kerberos server, but preauth still fails. All the KDC logs
   say is that preauth is required just as they would for a successful
   kinit, but with no successful kinit afterward. Of course, all the 
   Cisco box gives me is "Authentication Failure." Unfortunately, I do
   not have a choice as to whether or not to use this product.

2. Assuming I have no choice but to turn off preauth for the Cisco box,
   is there any way to make SSH ticket forwarding work with preauth
   turned off? It works just fine as my system stands with preauth turned
   on, but when preauth goes off, ticket forwarding stops working. This
   makes sense as a security feature and I realize I am shooting myself
   in the foot, but I am being ordered to shoot myself in the foot, and 
   I am trying to minimize immediate bleeding. :)

3. Does anyone have experience making MIT Kerberos work with a Cisco 
   VPN 3000? I've looked through the Cisco documentation and it doesn't
   mention preauth or really much of anything except how to format your
   @ signs. 

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated; thank you.

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