Generic unknown RC/IO error while verifying initial ticket

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Thu Dec 2 15:49:46 EST 2004

>>>>> "Ken" == Ken Hornstein <kenh at> writes:

    >> If I have a call chain of a->b->c.  If (c) registers an error -
    >> sets the extended error code and returns to (b) - should (b)
    >> then be able to register it's own complaint and extended error
    >> - or would that mask (c)'s message.  We sort of need a
    >> stack... Upon entry to a high level kerberos function - the
    >> error stack would then need to be cleared at critical
    >> juncture... Otherwise - the call stack is sort of meaningless -
    >> as errors will be added - but never cleared...

    Ken> I'm sure there are counter-examples, but in my experience
    Ken> once an error happens at a lower level, functions at (a) and
    Ken> (b) immediately return.  Sure, a stack might be nice, but I'm
    Ken> not convinced it's necessary in most cases.

I agree with Ken.  The stack is nice to have but not necessarry.

Stacks are quite nice when you do have them though.  For Kerberos I
think we only want to use an error stack when you replace one error
with another.

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