keytab vs database

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Tue Aug 17 13:07:13 EDT 2004

>>>>> "Lara" == Lara Adianto <m1r4cle_26 at> writes:

    Lara> Hi, I have a basic question about kerberos concept.  As I
    Lara> browsed through MIT source code to better understand how
    Lara> kerberos works, I noticed that in processing the tgs
    Lara> request, the ticket is always decrypted using server's key
    Lara> retrieved from keytab. If the server is a TGS service
    Lara> (krbtgt) or kadmin/changepw which are part of a KDC (am I
    Lara> right to say this ?), is it okay to retrieve the key from
    Lara> the database instead of from the keytab ?

    Lara> Does a KDC need to maintain a keytab actually ?

No, and MIT does not.  There is a special glue layer between the
keytab abstraction and the database. b If you happen to be running
inside the KDC process, there is a special keytab implementation that
looks up keys in the database rather than in a file.  Look at

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