mit-krb5 thread support -- fork safety

Sam Hartman hartmans at MIT.EDU
Wed Apr 21 14:34:11 EDT 2004

>>>>> "Wyllys" == Wyllys Ingersoll <wyllys.ingersoll at> writes:

    Wyllys> OK, now I remember.  I'm going to take a look at your initializer
    Wyllys> and allocator functions to see if we can use the same method.  I found lots
    Wyllys> of places in the code where keys are manipulated in different ways,
    Wyllys> so I didn't consider doing this originally.

It's going to be a major headache.  There are lots of places as you
point out where keyblocks are handled improperly.

The hope is that the critical path key operations do not work this

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