kinit programming

Douglas E. Engert deengert at
Mon Apr 19 10:46:20 EDT 2004

melissa_benkyo wrote:
> I'm looking it up. and I'm using SEAM kerberos. I don't think it
> supports the kerberos API calls. Has anyone done kinit with SEAM
> kerberos?

Its still not clear why you can't use the SEAM kinit, and think you
have to write your own.

Since as Jeff said, Sun does not have a Krb5 API, have you considered
using PAM? You could write your applicaiton to call PAM passing the 
user and pasword you need,and get a ticket cache.

You know you can also setup the workstation to use Kerberos for login,
via PAM and give your Kerberos user and password at the dtlogin screen,
or the command line.This would then create the ticket cache for you,
and you would not need to write your own kinit. 
> thanks!
> wyl_lyf at (melissa_benkyo) wrote in message news:<304f3217.0404160550.7d7abe4a at>...
> > hello all,
> >
> > I finally got the gss-server and gss-client and kerberos setups under
> > control. :D Now I post another problem for you guys. right now I need
> > to do a kinit before I proceed to use the gss-sample code. Is it
> > possible to code the kinit program? can this be done using gss-api
> > calls or kerberos calls?
> >
> > any insights are much appreciated. thanks!
> > have a nice weekend guys!
> >
> > melissa
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 Douglas E. Engert  <DEEngert at>
 Argonne National Laboratory
 9700 South Cass Avenue
 Argonne, Illinois  60439 
 (630) 252-5444

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